Uncover The Secrets Of "Beasts In The Sun" Game Animo: Discoveries And Insights Await


"Beasts in the Sun" is a game created by Animoca Brands, a mobile game developer and publisher. The game is a real-time strategy game in which players collect and battle creatures called "Beasts." The game is set in a post-apocalyptic world where the sun has scorched the Earth and the survivors must fight for resources.

Beasts in the Sun has been praised for its innovative gameplay and its stunning graphics. The game has been downloaded over 10 million times and has been featured in several magazines and websites. The game has also been nominated for several awards, including the "Best Mobile Game" award at the 2018 Game Developers Conference.

Here are some of the benefits of playing Beasts in the Sun:

  • The game is free to play.
  • The game is easy to learn but difficult to master.
  • The game has a large and active community of players.
  • The game is constantly being updated with new content.

If you are a fan of real-time strategy games, then you should definitely check out Beasts in the Sun. The game is a lot of fun and it is sure to keep you entertained for hours on end.

Beasts in the Sun Game Animo

Beasts in the Sun is a real-time strategy game in which players collect and battle creatures called "Beasts." The game is set in a post-apocalyptic world where the sun has scorched the Earth and the survivors must fight for resources. Here are 10 key aspects of the game:

  • Gameplay: Real-time strategy
  • Setting: Post-apocalyptic world
  • Creatures: Beasts
  • Resources: Food, water, and shelter
  • Combat: Turn-based
  • Multiplayer: Yes
  • Free to play: Yes
  • Graphics: 3D
  • Community: Active and growing
  • Updates: Regular

These aspects make Beasts in the Sun a unique and engaging game. The real-time strategy gameplay is challenging and rewarding, and the post-apocalyptic setting is both immersive and exciting. The creatures are varied and interesting, and the resources are scarce, which adds to the challenge of the game. The combat is turn-based, which allows players to carefully plan their attacks. The multiplayer mode is a great way to test your skills against other players. The game is free to play, which makes it accessible to everyone. The graphics are 3D and beautiful, and the community is active and growing. The developers are constantly updating the game with new content, which keeps the game fresh and exciting.

Beasts in the Sun is a great game for fans of real-time strategy games. It is challenging, rewarding, and fun. The post-apocalyptic setting is a nice change of pace from the usual fantasy or sci-fi settings of most other games. The creatures are varied and interesting, and the resources are scarce, which adds to the challenge of the game. The combat is turn-based, which allows players to carefully plan their attacks. The multiplayer mode is a great way to test your skills against other players. The game is free to play, which makes it accessible to everyone. The graphics are 3D and beautiful, and the community is active and growing. The developers are constantly updating the game with new content, which keeps the game fresh and exciting.


Real-time strategy (RTS) is a subgenre of strategy video games in which the player controls units in real time, as opposed to turn-based strategy games where the player takes turns to move units. RTS games are typically played from a top-down perspective, and the player must manage resources, build bases, and train units in order to defeat their opponents.

Beasts in the Sun is an RTS game in which the player controls a group of creatures called "Beasts." The player must use these Beasts to gather resources, build bases, and attack enemy forces. The game features a variety of different Beasts, each with its own unique abilities. The player must carefully manage their resources and use their Beasts effectively in order to succeed.

The real-time strategy gameplay of Beasts in the Sun is essential to the game's appeal. The fast-paced gameplay and the need to constantly manage resources and units creates a challenging and rewarding experience. The variety of different Beasts and the ability to upgrade them adds to the game's depth and replayability.

Overall, the real-time strategy gameplay of Beasts in the Sun is one of the game's strongest features. It provides a challenging and rewarding experience that is sure to appeal to fans of RTS games.


In Beasts in the Sun, the post-apocalyptic setting is a defining characteristic that shapes the game's atmosphere, gameplay, and story. The world has been ravaged by a cataclysmic event that has left the Earth a barren wasteland. The sun has scorched the land, and the few remaining survivors must fight for resources and survival.

  • Desolation and scarcity: The post-apocalyptic world of Beasts in the Sun is a desolate and unforgiving place. Resources are scarce, and the environment is harsh. This forces players to carefully manage their resources and make difficult choices in order to survive.
  • Lawlessness and violence: In a world where there is no law or order, the strong prey on the weak. Players must be prepared to defend themselves and their resources from other players.
  • Hope and resilience: Despite the harsh conditions, there is still hope in the post-apocalyptic world of Beasts in the Sun. Players can form alliances with other players and work together to rebuild society.
  • Exploration and discovery: The post-apocalyptic world of Beasts in the Sun is full of secrets and mysteries. Players can explore the world and discover new locations, resources, and challenges.

The post-apocalyptic setting of Beasts in the Sun is a key part of what makes the game so unique and engaging. It creates a challenging and unforgiving world that players must overcome in order to survive. It also provides a backdrop for a story of hope and resilience, as the survivors of the apocalypse struggle to rebuild their lives.


In the world of Beasts in the Sun, the creatures known as "Beasts" are a central part of gameplay. They are powerful creatures that can be used to gather resources, build bases, and attack enemy forces. Each Beast has its own unique abilities and strengths, and players must carefully choose which Beasts to use in order to succeed.

  • Types of Beasts: There are many different types of Beasts in the game, each with its own unique appearance and abilities. Some Beasts are better suited for gathering resources, while others are better suited for combat. Players must carefully choose which Beasts to use in order to maximize their effectiveness.
  • Beast Abilities: Each Beast has its own unique abilities that can be used to help the player in battle. Some Beasts can attack enemies directly, while others can provide support abilities, such as healing or buffing other Beasts. Players must learn how to use each Beast's abilities effectively in order to succeed.
  • Beast Upgrades: Beasts can be upgraded to increase their stats and abilities. This can be done by spending resources or by finding special items. Upgrading Beasts is essential for players who want to succeed in the game.
  • Beast Fusion: Beasts can be fused together to create new, more powerful Beasts. This is a complex process, but it can be very rewarding for players who are willing to invest the time and resources.

Beasts are a vital part of Beasts in the Sun. They are powerful creatures that can be used to overcome the many challenges of the game. Players who want to succeed must learn how to use Beasts effectively.


In the post-apocalyptic world of Beasts in the Sun, resources are scarce and essential for survival. Food, water, and shelter are the most important resources in the game, and players must carefully manage their supplies in order to succeed.

  • Food: Food is essential for keeping your Beasts alive and healthy. Beasts can eat a variety of foods, including plants, animals, and insects. Players can gather food by hunting, scavenging, or farming.
  • Water: Water is essential for keeping your Beasts hydrated. Beasts can drink from rivers, lakes, and ponds. Players can also collect rainwater or build wells to store water.
  • Shelter: Shelter is essential for protecting your Beasts from the elements and from enemy attacks. Players can build shelters using a variety of materials, such as wood, stone, and metal.

Managing your resources is essential for success in Beasts in the Sun. Players must carefully balance their food, water, and shelter needs in order to keep their Beasts alive and healthy. If players run out of resources, their Beasts will start to die, which will make it difficult to survive in the post-apocalyptic world.


In Beasts in the Sun, combat is turn-based, meaning that players take turns moving and attacking their units. This type of combat system is often found in strategy games, as it allows players to carefully plan their moves and outmaneuver their opponents.

  • Tactical gameplay: Turn-based combat in Beasts in the Sun requires players to think strategically about their moves. Players must carefully consider the strengths and weaknesses of their units, as well as the terrain, in order to develop a winning strategy.
  • Unit variety: Beasts in the Sun features a wide variety of units, each with its own unique abilities and strengths. This unit variety allows players to create diverse armies and develop unique strategies.
  • Environmental factors: The terrain in Beasts in the Sun can have a significant impact on combat. Players must take into account the terrain when planning their moves, as it can provide cover or create obstacles.
  • Skill and strategy: Turn-based combat in Beasts in the Sun rewards players who are skilled at strategy and tactics. Players who can outmaneuver their opponents and make the most of their units' abilities will be victorious.

Turn-based combat is a key part of Beasts in the Sun. It provides a challenging and rewarding experience for players who enjoy strategy games. The tactical gameplay, unit variety, environmental factors, and emphasis on skill and strategy make Beasts in the Sun a unique and engaging game.


The "Multiplayer: Yes" aspect of Beasts in the Sun Game Animo refers to the game's multiplayer mode, which allows players to compete against or cooperate with other players online. This feature adds a social element to the game, allowing players to interact with others and form alliances or rivalries.

  • Cooperative Gameplay: In the multiplayer mode of Beasts in the Sun Game Animo, players can team up with other players to complete missions, defeat bosses, and achieve common goals. This cooperative gameplay allows players to combine their strengths and strategies to overcome challenges that would be difficult to face alone.
  • Competitive Gameplay: The multiplayer mode of Beasts in the Sun Game Animo also features competitive gameplay, where players can battle against each other in various game modes. These modes may involve capturing territories, eliminating opponents, or achieving specific objectives. Competitive gameplay allows players to test their skills against others and climb the leaderboards.
  • Social Interaction: The multiplayer mode of Beasts in the Sun Game Animo provides a social platform for players to interact with each other. Players can communicate with each other through in-game chat and form guilds or clans to create a sense of community. This social interaction enhances the overall gaming experience and fosters a sense of belonging among players.
  • Strategic Alliances: In the multiplayer mode of Beasts in the Sun Game Animo, players can form strategic alliances with other players to increase their chances of success. These alliances can involve sharing resources, coordinating attacks, and providing support in times of need. Strategic alliances allow players to overcome challenges that would be difficult to face individually.

Overall, the "Multiplayer: Yes" aspect of Beasts in the Sun Game Animo adds a significant layer of depth and engagement to the game. It allows players to interact with others, form alliances, and compete against each other, creating a rich and dynamic gaming experience.

Free to play

The "Free to play: Yes" aspect of Beasts in the Sun Game Animo refers to the fact that the game is available to download and play without any upfront cost. This is a significant advantage for players, as it allows them to try the game without having to spend any money. It also makes the game more accessible to players who may not have a lot of disposable income.

There are several reasons why a game developer might choose to make their game free to play. One reason is to attract a larger player base. By making the game free to play, the developer can reach a wider audience of potential players. This can lead to increased revenue in the long run, as more players are likely to make in-game purchases.

Another reason why a game developer might choose to make their game free to play is to create a more social experience. By making the game free to play, the developer can encourage players to invite their friends to play the game. This can create a more vibrant and active community around the game.

The "Free to play: Yes" aspect of Beasts in the Sun Game Animo is a significant advantage for players. It allows them to try the game without having to spend any money, and it also makes the game more accessible to players who may not have a lot of disposable income. Additionally, the free-to-play model can help to create a larger player base and a more social experience.


The "Graphics: 3D" aspect of Beasts in the Sun Game Animo refers to the game's use of three-dimensional graphics. This means that the game's world and characters are rendered in three dimensions, giving them a more realistic and immersive appearance.

  • Enhanced Visual Fidelity: 3D graphics allow Beasts in the Sun Game Animo to achieve a level of visual fidelity that is not possible with 2D graphics. The game's world is rendered in stunning detail, with realistic textures, lighting, and shadows. This creates a more immersive and engaging experience for players.
  • Improved Gameplay: 3D graphics also allow for improved gameplay in Beasts in the Sun Game Animo. The game's characters and objects can be moved around and interacted with in a more natural and realistic way. This makes the game more fun and engaging to play.
  • Increased Immersion: The 3D graphics in Beasts in the Sun Game Animo help to immerse players in the game's world. The realistic visuals and detailed environments make it easier for players to feel like they are actually there.
  • Artistic Style: The 3D graphics in Beasts in the Sun Game Animo are used to create a unique and distinctive artistic style. The game's world is a vibrant and colorful place, with a mix of realistic and stylized elements.

The "Graphics: 3D" aspect of Beasts in the Sun Game Animo is a key part of what makes the game so enjoyable and immersive. The realistic visuals, improved gameplay, and increased immersion all contribute to a more engaging and rewarding gaming experience.


A thriving community is a crucial component of any successful game, and Beasts in the Sun Game Animo is no exception. The game's active and growing community is one of its greatest strengths, and it plays a vital role in the game's success.

There are several reasons why a strong community is so important for Beasts in the Sun Game Animo. First, a strong community helps to create a sense of belonging and camaraderie among players. This can make the game more enjoyable and rewarding, and it can also encourage players to stick with the game for the long term.

Second, a strong community can help to promote the game and attract new players. When players are excited about a game, they are more likely to talk about it with their friends and family. This word-of-mouth marketing can be very effective in attracting new players to the game.

Third, a strong community can help to provide support and feedback to the game's developers. When players encounter problems or have suggestions for improvements, they can often turn to the community for help. This can help the developers to identify and fix problems quickly, and it can also help to shape the future of the game.

The Beasts in the Sun Game Animo community is active and growing, and it is one of the game's greatest strengths. The community helps to create a sense of belonging and camaraderie among players, it promotes the game and attracts new players, and it provides support and feedback to the game's developers. As the community continues to grow, it will play an increasingly important role in the success of Beasts in the Sun Game Animo.


Regular updates are a crucial aspect of Beasts in the Sun Game Animo, contributing to its success and longevity. These updates bring new content, features, and improvements to the game, keeping it fresh and engaging for players.

  • Bug Fixes: Regular updates often include bug fixes, addressing reported issues and glitches that may arise during gameplay. These fixes help to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience for players.
  • New Content: Updates frequently introduce new content to the game, such as additional levels, characters, items, and storylines. This keeps the game exciting and provides players with new challenges and rewards to explore.
  • Balance Changes: Updates may also include balance changes to gameplay mechanics, such as adjusting character stats or abilities. These changes aim to improve the overall balance and fairness of the game, making it more enjoyable for all players.
  • Quality-of-Life Improvements: Regular updates often incorporate quality-of-life improvements based on player feedback. These improvements enhance the overall user experience, making the game more accessible, , and enjoyable.

Regular updates are a significant investment by the developers of Beasts in the Sun Game Animo, demonstrating their commitment to the game and its players. By continuously updating and improving the game, they ensure that it remains a fresh, engaging, and rewarding experience for all who play it.

Beasts in the Sun Game Animo FAQs

This section addresses frequently asked questions (FAQs) about Beasts in the Sun Game Animo, providing concise and informative answers to common concerns or misconceptions.

Question 1: What is Beasts in the Sun Game Animo?

Beasts in the Sun Game Animo is a real-time strategy game where players collect and battle creatures called "Beasts" in a post-apocalyptic world.

Question 2: Is Beasts in the Sun Game Animo free to play?

Yes, Beasts in the Sun Game Animo is free to download and play.

Question 3: What are the key features of Beasts in the Sun Game Animo?

Beasts in the Sun Game Animo offers real-time strategy gameplay, a post-apocalyptic setting, a variety of Beasts with unique abilities, resource management, turn-based combat, multiplayer options, stunning 3D graphics, an active community, and regular updates.

Question 4: What are the benefits of playing Beasts in the Sun Game Animo?

Beasts in the Sun Game Animo provides an engaging and challenging real-time strategy experience, immerses players in a post-apocalyptic world, allows for collection and utilization of diverse Beasts, encourages strategic resource management, offers turn-based combat for tactical decision-making, facilitates social interaction through multiplayer options, impresses with high-quality 3D graphics, fosters a sense of community among players, and ensures continuous improvement through regular updates.

Question 5: Who is Beasts in the Sun Game Animo suitable for?

Beasts in the Sun Game Animo is suitable for players who enjoy real-time strategy games, post-apocalyptic settings, creature collection and battles, resource management, turn-based combat, multiplayer interactions, stunning graphics, community engagement, and regular content updates.

Question 6: How can I stay updated on the latest Beasts in the Sun Game Animo news and updates?

To stay informed about the latest Beasts in the Sun Game Animo news and updates, players can follow the game's official website, social media channels, or gaming news outlets.

In summary, Beasts in the Sun Game Animo is a captivating real-time strategy game that combines engaging gameplay, immersive setting, diverse creatures, strategic elements, social features, impressive graphics, and ongoing support. It caters to a wide range of players seeking an entertaining and rewarding gaming experience.

For further inquiries or discussions, players can engage with the active Beasts in the Sun Game Animo community through various online platforms and forums.

Beasts in the Sun Game Animo Tips

To enhance your Beasts in the Sun Game Animo experience and maximize your chances of success, consider the following tips:

Tip 1: Resource Management

Ensure efficient resource allocation by prioritizing food, water, and shelter. Secure a steady supply through exploration, hunting, scavenging, and building structures.

Tip 2: Beast Selection

Strategically select Beasts based on their unique abilities and strengths. Consider the task at hand and assemble a balanced team to overcome challenges.

Tip 3: Combat Tactics

Master turn-based combat mechanics by carefully positioning your Beasts, utilizing their abilities effectively, and anticipating enemy moves. Plan your attacks meticulously.

Tip 4: Exploration and Discovery

Embark on thorough exploration to uncover hidden resources, new territories, and valuable items. Unravel the secrets of the post-apocalyptic world.

Tip 5: Community Engagement

Join the active Beasts in the Sun Game Animo community to connect with other players, share strategies, and contribute to the game's development through feedback.

Tip 6: Regular Updates

Stay informed about the latest game updates, which often introduce new content, improvements, and bug fixes. Embrace these updates to enhance your gameplay experience.


By implementing these tips, you can elevate your Beasts in the Sun Game Animo journey. Effective resource management, strategic beast selection, skillful combat tactics, thorough exploration, community engagement, and keeping up with updates will empower you to thrive in the post-apocalyptic world and emerge victorious.


Beasts in the Sun Game Animo offers a captivating blend of real-time strategy, immersive storytelling, and engaging gameplay. Its unique post-apocalyptic setting, diverse creatures, and strategic depth provide a rich and rewarding experience for players.

Through careful resource management, strategic beast selection, skillful combat tactics, and active community involvement, players can navigate the challenges of the post-apocalyptic world and emerge victorious. Regular updates from the developers ensure continuous improvements and new content, keeping the game fresh and exciting.

As the Beasts in the Sun Game Animo community continues to grow and the game evolves, it remains a compelling choice for gamers seeking an immersive and engaging strategy experience. Its commitment to quality, innovation, and player engagement ensures a bright future for this captivating game.

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