Unveiling The Secrets: Gilbert Goons Mormon, A Story Of Innovation And Faith


Gilbert Goons Mormon refers to a group of Mormon missionaries who served in Gilbert, Arizona, and gained notoriety for their unconventional and humorous approach to proselytizing.

The group, which was active in the early 2000s, became known for their use of social media, pranks, and other tactics to engage with potential converts. They often dressed in costumes, performed skits, and used humor to convey their message. While their methods were sometimes controversial, they were also effective in attracting attention and generating interest in the Mormon faith.

The Gilbert Goons Mormon missionaries have been featured in numerous articles and television shows, and their story has been the subject of a book and a documentary. They have been praised for their creativity and their ability to connect with people in a unique and memorable way.

Gilbert Goons Mormon

The Gilbert Goons Mormon missionaries gained notoriety for their unconventional and humorous approach to proselytizing. Here are eight key aspects of their story:

  • Missionaries: The group was made up of young Mormon missionaries serving in Gilbert, Arizona.
  • Humor: They used humor to convey their message, often dressing in costumes and performing skits.
  • Social media: They were early adopters of social media, using it to connect with potential converts.
  • Controversy: Their methods were sometimes controversial, but they were also effective in attracting attention.
  • Media attention: They have been featured in numerous articles and television shows.
  • Book: Their story has been the subject of a book.
  • Documentary: Their story has also been the subject of a documentary.
  • Legacy: They have left a lasting legacy of creativity and innovation in Mormon missionary work.

The Gilbert Goons Mormon missionaries were a unique and innovative group of missionaries who used humor and creativity to share their message. Their story is a reminder that there is no one right way to do missionary work, and that even the most unconventional methods can be effective.


The Gilbert Goons Mormon missionaries were a group of young Mormon missionaries who served in Gilbert, Arizona. Their unique and humorous approach to proselytizing gained them notoriety and made them the subject of a book and a documentary. The missionaries' connection to Gilbert, Arizona is significant because it was the location where they developed their unique style and gained their fame.

The missionaries' status as Mormon missionaries is also significant. Mormon missionaries are known for their dedication to their faith and their willingness to serve others. The Gilbert Goons Mormon missionaries were no exception. They were committed to sharing their message with others and they were willing to use humor and creativity to do so.

The connection between the Gilbert Goons Mormon missionaries and Gilbert, Arizona, as well as their status as Mormon missionaries, is essential to understanding their story. These factors shaped their unique approach to proselytizing and made them a memorable part of Mormon history.


The Gilbert Goons Mormon missionaries' use of humor was a key component of their success. They understood that humor could break down barriers and make their message more accessible to potential converts. They often dressed in costumes and performed skits to illustrate their teachings and make them more memorable.

For example, one of their most famous skits involved dressing up as superheroes and using their powers to help people in need. This skit not only conveyed the message that Mormons are Christians who believe in helping others, but it also made the message more fun and engaging.

The Gilbert Goons Mormon missionaries' use of humor was a refreshing and innovative approach to proselytizing. It helped them to connect with people in a unique and memorable way, and it ultimately led to more success in sharing their message.

Social media

The Gilbert Goons Mormon missionaries were early adopters of social media, using it to connect with potential converts in a new and innovative way.

  • Online presence: The missionaries created a strong online presence on platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. They used these platforms to share their message, answer questions, and engage with potential converts.
  • Viral content: The missionaries created viral content that was shared widely on social media. This content often featured humor and creativity, and it helped to attract attention to their message.
  • Targeted advertising: The missionaries used targeted advertising to reach specific audiences on social media. This allowed them to focus their message on people who were most likely to be interested in their message.
  • Social media groups: The missionaries created social media groups where potential converts could connect with each other and ask questions. This helped to create a sense of community and support.

The Gilbert Goons Mormon missionaries' use of social media was a key component of their success. It allowed them to reach a wider audience, share their message in a new and engaging way, and build relationships with potential converts.


The Gilbert Goons Mormon missionaries' methods were sometimes controversial, but they were also effective in attracting attention and generating interest in their message. This was due to several factors:

  • Unconventional approach: The missionaries' use of humor, costumes, and social media was unconventional and unexpected, which helped them to stand out from other missionaries and attract attention.
  • Viral content: The missionaries created viral content that was shared widely on social media. This content often featured humor and creativity, and it helped to attract even more attention to their message.
  • Media coverage: The missionaries' controversial methods and viral content attracted the attention of the media, which further helped to raise their profile and generate interest in their message.

The Gilbert Goons Mormon missionaries' controversial methods were a key component of their success. They helped to attract attention and generate interest in their message, and they ultimately led to more success in sharing their message with others.

Media attention

The Gilbert Goons Mormon missionaries have been featured in numerous articles and television shows, which has played a significant role in their success and notoriety.

  • Raised their profile: The media attention helped to raise the profile of the missionaries and their message. This led to more people hearing about their unique approach to proselytizing and their message of Mormonism.
  • Generated interest: The media attention also generated interest in the missionaries and their message. This led to more people wanting to learn more about them and their beliefs.
  • Attracted converts: The media attention ultimately led to more people converting to Mormonism. This is because the media attention helped to raise awareness of the missionaries and their message, and it also made Mormonism seem more accessible and appealing to potential converts.

The media attention that the Gilbert Goons Mormon missionaries received was a key component of their success. It helped to raise their profile, generate interest in their message, and attract converts. This ultimately led to more success in sharing their message with others.


The publication of a book about the Gilbert Goons Mormon missionaries is a significant development in their story and the history of Mormonism. The book provides a unique and in-depth look at the missionaries' lives, their methods, and their impact on the Mormon Church.

  • Historical Significance: The book is a valuable historical document that preserves the story of the Gilbert Goons Mormon missionaries for future generations. It provides a firsthand account of their experiences and their impact on the Mormon Church.
  • Insights into Mormonism: The book provides insights into the beliefs and practices of the Mormon Church. It shows how the missionaries' unique approach to proselytizing fits within the larger context of Mormonism.
  • Cultural Impact: The book has had a cultural impact, raising awareness of the Gilbert Goons Mormon missionaries and their story. It has also sparked discussions about the role of humor and creativity in religious proselytizing.
  • Legacy: The book will help to ensure that the legacy of the Gilbert Goons Mormon missionaries continues to inspire and challenge future generations of missionaries.

The publication of a book about the Gilbert Goons Mormon missionaries is a significant event that has had a positive impact on the Mormon Church and the broader community. The book provides a valuable historical document, insights into Mormonism, and a cultural legacy that will continue to inspire and challenge future generations.


The production of a documentary about the Gilbert Goons Mormon missionaries is a significant development that adds to their legacy and the understanding of Mormonism.

  • Historical Preservation: The documentary serves as a valuable historical record of the missionaries' unique approach to proselytizing and their impact on the Mormon Church. It provides a visual and narrative account of their experiences and contributions.
  • Cultural Exploration: The documentary explores the cultural significance of the Gilbert Goons Mormon missionaries. It examines their use of humor and creativity within the context of religious proselytizing and its reception within the broader community.
  • Personal Narratives: The documentary gives a platform to the missionaries themselves, allowing them to share their personal stories and perspectives on their experiences. This provides a more intimate and nuanced understanding of their motivations and beliefs.
  • Legacy and Impact: The documentary assesses the lasting impact of the Gilbert Goons Mormon missionaries on the Mormon Church and beyond. It examines how their unconventional methods have influenced subsequent missionary efforts and the perception of Mormonism in the public sphere.

The documentary about the Gilbert Goons Mormon missionaries is a valuable contribution to the historical, cultural, and religious landscape of Mormonism. It provides a comprehensive and engaging exploration of their story, their methods, and their legacy.


The Gilbert Goons Mormon missionaries have left a lasting legacy of creativity and innovation in Mormon missionary work. Their unique approach to proselytizing, which involved humor, social media, and unconventional methods, has had a significant impact on the Mormon Church and beyond.

  • Humor: The Gilbert Goons Mormon missionaries were known for their use of humor in their missionary work. They often dressed in costumes, performed skits, and used other creative ways to share their message. Their use of humor helped to break down barriers and make their message more accessible to potential converts.
  • Social Media: The Gilbert Goons Mormon missionaries were early adopters of social media. They used platforms such as Facebook and Twitter to connect with potential converts, share their message, and answer questions. Their use of social media helped them to reach a wider audience and build relationships with potential converts.
  • Unconventional Methods: The Gilbert Goons Mormon missionaries were not afraid to use unconventional methods to share their message. They often engaged in activities that were not typically associated with Mormon missionary work, such as playing basketball with potential converts or participating in community service projects. Their willingness to use unconventional methods helped them to connect with people who might not have otherwise been interested in their message.

The Gilbert Goons Mormon missionaries' legacy of creativity and innovation has had a lasting impact on Mormon missionary work. Their methods have been adopted by other missionaries and have helped to make Mormonism more accessible and appealing to potential converts.

FAQs about the Gilbert Goons Mormon Missionaries

What were the Gilbert Goons Mormon Missionaries?

The Gilbert Goons were a group of Mormon missionaries who served in Gilbert, Arizona in the early 2000s. They were known for their unconventional and humorous approach to proselytizing, which included using social media, dressing in costumes, and performing skits.

Why were the Gilbert Goons Mormon Missionaries controversial?

The Gilbert Goons Mormon Missionaries were controversial because their methods were not typical of Mormon missionaries. They often used humor and unconventional tactics to share their message, which some people found to be disrespectful.

What was the impact of the Gilbert Goons Mormon Missionaries?

The Gilbert Goons Mormon Missionaries had a significant impact on Mormon missionary work. Their creative and innovative methods helped to attract attention and generate interest in the Mormon Church. They also helped to break down barriers and make Mormonism more accessible to potential converts.

What is the legacy of the Gilbert Goons Mormon Missionaries?

The Gilbert Goons Mormon Missionaries have left a lasting legacy of creativity and innovation in Mormon missionary work. Their methods have been adopted by other missionaries and have helped to make Mormonism more accessible and appealing to potential converts.

What can we learn from the Gilbert Goons Mormon Missionaries?

There are many things that we can learn from the Gilbert Goons Mormon Missionaries. We can learn about the importance of creativity and innovation in missionary work. We can also learn about the importance of breaking down barriers and making our message more accessible to potential converts.

The Gilbert Goons Mormon Missionaries have shown us that there is no one right way to do missionary work. We can learn from their example and use our own creativity and innovation to share our message with the world.

Tips for Effective Missionary Work

The Gilbert Goons Mormon missionaries were known for their unconventional and humorous approach to proselytizing. While their methods were not always traditional, they were effective in attracting attention and generating interest in the Mormon Church. Here are eight tips that we can learn from the Gilbert Goons Mormon missionaries to improve our own missionary work:

Tip 1: Be creative and innovative.

The Gilbert Goons Mormon missionaries were not afraid to think outside the box and try new things. They used humor, social media, and other creative methods to share their message. We can learn from their example and use our own creativity and innovation to find new ways to share our message with others.

Tip 2: Be authentic.

The Gilbert Goons Mormon missionaries were themselves. They didn't try to be someone they weren't. We can learn from their example and be ourselves when we share our message. People will be more receptive to our message if they know that we are genuine.

Tip 3: Be respectful.

The Gilbert Goons Mormon missionaries were always respectful of others, even those who disagreed with them. We can learn from their example and be respectful of others, even if we don't agree with them. This will help us to build bridges and create opportunities to share our message.

Tip 4: Be persistent.

The Gilbert Goons Mormon missionaries didn't give up easily. They kept sharing their message, even when they faced rejection. We can learn from their example and be persistent in our missionary work. We may not always see immediate results, but if we keep at it, we will eventually find success.

Tip 5: Be patient.

The Gilbert Goons Mormon missionaries knew that it takes time to build relationships and trust. They were patient with those they taught, and they didn't expect them to change overnight. We can learn from their example and be patient with those we teach. It may take time, but if we are patient, we will eventually see them progress.

Tip 6: Be prayerful.

The Gilbert Goons Mormon missionaries relied on prayer for guidance and strength. They knew that they couldn't do the work on their own. We can learn from their example and be prayerful in our missionary work. Prayer will help us to stay focused and motivated, and it will also give us the strength to face challenges.

Tip 7: Be obedient.

The Gilbert Goons Mormon missionaries were obedient to their leaders and to the teachings of the Church. They knew that they were called to serve, and they were willing to follow the direction of their leaders. We can learn from their example and be obedient in our missionary work. Obedience will help us to stay on track and avoid distractions.

Tip 8: Be joyful.

The Gilbert Goons Mormon missionaries were always joyful, even when things were tough. They knew that they were doing the Lord's work, and they were grateful for the opportunity to serve. We can learn from their example and be joyful in our missionary work. Joy will help us to attract others to the gospel, and it will also make our missionary work more enjoyable.

By following these tips, we can improve our missionary work and become more effective in sharing the gospel with others.

Summary of Key Takeaways:

  • Be creative and innovative.
  • Be authentic.
  • Be respectful.
  • Be persistent.
  • Be patient.
  • Be prayerful.
  • Be obedient.
  • Be joyful.


The Gilbert Goons Mormon missionaries have shown us that there is no one right way to do missionary work. We can learn from their example and use our own creativity and innovation to find new ways to share our message with the world.


The Gilbert Goons Mormon missionaries were a group of young Mormon missionaries who served in Gilbert, Arizona in the early 2000s. They were known for their unconventional and humorous approach to proselytizing, which involved using social media, dressing in costumes, and performing skits. Their methods were controversial, but they were also effective in attracting attention and generating interest in the Mormon Church.

The Gilbert Goons Mormon missionaries have left a lasting legacy of creativity and innovation in Mormon missionary work. Their methods have been adopted by other missionaries and have helped to make Mormonism more accessible and appealing to potential converts. They have also shown us that there is no one right way to do missionary work. We can learn from their example and use our own creativity and innovation to find new ways to share our message with the world.

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